What Is An Algorithm? Features and Properties of Algorithms?

Algorithm is a step by step procedure to solve a particular task in programming. Algorithm are the set of well defined instructions in a sequence to solve a program. Algorithm is a set of finite instructions written in natural language to solve a problem.

Features Of An Algorithm :
An algorithm has the following features:

Input: An algorithm requires some input values. An algorithm can be given a value other than 0 as input.

Output: At the end of an algorithm, you will have one or more outcomes.
Unambiguity: A perfect algorithm is defined as unambiguous, which means that its instructions should be clear and straightforward.
Finiteness: An algorithm must be finite. Finiteness in this context means that the algorithm should have a limited number of instructions, i.e., the instructions should be countable.
Effectiveness: Because each instruction in an algorithm affects the overall process, it should be adequate.
Language independence: An algorithm must be language-independent, which means that its instructions can be implemented in any language and produce the same results.

Properties of an Algorithm :
The following are the properties to consider when designing an algorithm:

Modularity: This feature was perfectly designed for the algorithm if you are given a problem and break it down into small-small modules or small-small steps, which is a basic definition of an algorithm.
Correctness: An algorithm's correctness is defined as when the given inputs produce the desired output, indicating that the algorithm was designed correctly. An algorithm's analysis has been completed correctly.
Maintainability: It means that the algorithm should be designed in a straightforward, structured way so that when you redefine the algorithm, no significant changes are made to the algorithm.
Functionality: It takes into account various logical steps to solve a real-world problem.
Robustness: Robustness refers to an algorithm's ability to define your problem clearly.
User-friendly: If the algorithm is difficult to understand, the designer will not explain it to the programmer.
Simplicity: If an algorithm is simple, it is simple to understand.
Extensibility: Your algorithm should be extensible if another algorithm designer or programmer wants to use it.
You will now see why an algorithm is so essential after understanding some of its components.


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